©2024 Sarp Metin, via CargoMizansen Limited is incorporated in the United Kingdom under company number 12396382 with its registered office at Unit DA2 Sutherland House, 43 Sutherland Road, London, E17 6BU, United Kingdom.
Marketing Consulting (incl. Business Planning)
Another pillar of Mizansen is delivering expert business planning and digital marketing consulting since its inception:
• Business and Marketing Plan Writing: Crafting detailed plans for businesses setting up in the UK, supported over 80 businesses across various sectors with market research and actionable marketing plans.
• Search Engine Optimisation (SEO): Providing on-page and off-page SEO services, including keyword research and keyword universe creation (i.e. an ever-growing spreadsheet) and optimising title tags, headers, content length, and URL structures to boost SERP rankings.
• WordPress Website Management: Updating content weekly, ensuring readability for humans and search engines, managing plugins, and modifying site frontends and backends for added performance.
• Content Creation: Producing blogs, newsletters, social media blurbs, and promotional videos that engage and resonate with audiences.
For examples in my current achievements, see my Projects.
Enquiries: Do feel free to contact me through my e-mail or LinkedIn provided.